Rates current as of March 24, 2025. Annual Percentage Yield = APY. Fees may reduce earnings. Checking and Savings account interest rates are variable, set at the discretion of the bank, and may change at any time after the account is opened. All Certificates of Deposit require a penalty for early withdrawal.

Elite Checking Learn More

Balance Interest Rate APY
$1,000 < $10,000 0.05% 0.05%
$10,000 < $25,000 0.05% 0.05%
$25,000 < $50,000 0.06% 0.06%
$50,000 < $100,000 0.08% 0.08%
$100,000 < $200,000 0.10% 0.10%
$200,000 and over 0.10% 0.10%

Senior Checking Learn More

Balance  Interest Rate APY
$1,000 and over  0.02% 0.02%

Money Market Learn More

Balance Interest Rate APY
$1,000 < $2,500 0.10% 0.10%
$2,500 < $10,000 0.25% 0.25%
$10,000 < $25,000 0.45% 0.45%
$25,000 < $50,000 0.60% 0.60%
$50,000 < $100,000 0.90% 0.90%
$100,000 < $200,000 1.34% 1.35%
$200,000 and over 1.79% 1.80%

Premium Money Market Learn More

Balance Interest Rate APY
$1,000 < $25,000 0.00% 0.00%
$25,000 < $50,000 0.75% 0.75%
$50,000 < $100,000 0.90% 0.90%
$100,000 < $200,000 1.34% 1.35%
$200,000 < $500,000 1.83% 1.85%
$500,000 < $1,000,000 2.37% 2.40%
$1,000,000 and over 2.42% 2.45%

Local Savings Learn More

Minimum Opening Deposit Interest Rate APY
$1 0.05% 0.05%

Kid's Club Savings Learn More

Minimum Opening Deposit Interest Rate APY
$1 0.05% 0.05%

Health Savings Account (HSA) Learn More

Minimum Opening Deposit Interest Rate APY
$1 < $5,000 0.05% 0.05%
$5,000 and over 0.10% 0.10%

Holiday (Christmas) Club Learn More

Minimum Opening Deposit Interest Rate APY
$1 0.05% 0.05%

Certificates of Deposit (Under $10,000) Learn More

Term Interest Rate APY
1 Month 0.65% 0.65%
2 Months 0.65% 0.65%
3 - 5 Months 0.75% 0.75%
6 - 11 Months 1.74% 1.75%
1 Year 2.72% 2.75%
2 Years 2.72% 2.75%
3 Years 1.98% 2.00%
4 Years 1.98% 2.00%
5 Years 1.98% 2.00%

Penalty for early withdrawal.

Certificates of Deposit (Over $10,000) Learn More

Term Interest Rate APY
1 Month 0.65% 0.65%
2 Months 0.65% 0.65%
3 - 5 Months 0.75% 0.75%
6 - 11 Months 1.74% 1.75%
1 Year 2.96% 3.00%
2 Years 2.96% 3.00%
3 Years 2.08% 2.10%
4 Years 2.08% 2.10%
5 Years 2.08% 2.10%

Penalty for early withdrawal.

Individual Retirement Accounts ($100 Minimum Deposit) Learn More

Term Interest Rate APY
30 Months (Fixed) 2.72%


30 Month IRA CD allows contributions at any time. The 30 Month IRA CD is not eligible for rollover funds. Penalty for early withdrawal.

Individual Retirement Accounts (Under $10,000) Learn More

Term Interest Rate APY
12 Months (Fixed) 2.72% 2.75%
18 Months (Fixed) 2.72% 2.75%
24 Months (Fixed) 2.72% 2.75%
36 Months (Fixed) 1.99% 2.00%
48 Months (Fixed) 1.99% 2.00%
60 Months (Fixed) 1.99% 2.00%

Penalty for early withdrawal.

Individual Retirement Accounts (Over $10,000) Learn More

Term Interest Rate APY
12 Months (Fixed) 2.97% 3.00%
18 Months (Fixed) 2.97% 3.00%
24 Months (Fixed) 2.97% 3.00%
30 Months (Fixed) 2.96% 2.99%
36 Months (Fixed) 2.08% 2.10%
48 Months (Fixed) 2.08% 2.10%
60 Months (Fixed) 2.08% 2.10%

The 30 Month IRA CD is not eligible for rollover funds. Penalty for early withdrawal.

CDARS CD and ICS Money Market ($200,000 or more)

For rates and terms please call 989.772.9471

Home Mortgage Loans Learn More

For current mortgage rates, please contact a loan officer.