Make the most of your higher savings balance with competitive, tiered-rate earnings. Plus, you’ll still maintain access to your funds.
Key Features
Competitive, Tiered Interest1
Enhanced Access to Funds
Free Digital Banking
- Competitive, tiered rates — higher balances earn higher rates1
- Enjoy flexibility with enhanced access to funds, including direct check writing
- 6 free withdrawals per month; $10 per withdrawal in excess thereafter
- Avoid the $10 monthly service fee by maintaining a $1,000 minimum average balance
- Free digital banking, including:2
- Online banking
- Mobile banking
- eStatements3
- Free telephone banking available
- $1 minimum deposit to open
Create a brighter future with free financial literacy training at Community Compass. Learn how to save money and the options available to you.
1Contact your local deposit specialist for additional information and restrictions.
2Third party data and text messaging charges and/or internet services may apply. Please contact your provider for details.
3A monthly paper statement fee will apply to all savings accounts not enrolled for electronic statements through our online banking services