If your business may not be suited for a traditional loan, this could be the way to go. Finance almost anything at a competitive rate.
Key Features
Competitively Low Rates
Customized Repayment Terms
Fund a Wide Range of Expenses
Quick, Local Processing
- Available for start-up businesses, as well as purchasing and refinancing existing businesses
- Government-assisted help for businesses that might otherwise have difficulty getting approved
- Competitive rates for a wide range of business needs:
- Commercial real estate purchase
- Construction
- Business acquisition or expansion
- Equipment/inventory purchase
- Working capital
- And more
- A wide range of lending options available
- Generally lower down payments and extended terms
- Additional considerations taken when deciding maturity*
- Personalized service that aligns our offerings with your needs
- Quick, local Mid-Michigan decision-making and processing
- Detailed, attentive service from start to finish
Click here for our Personal Financial Statement to help our lenders start the borrowing process.
To ensure your personal data remains secured, Isabella Bank encourages you to download this document to your personal computer for your use. If returning the document to Isabella Bank please contact us for a means to send it securely.
*Loan maturities are based on the ability to repay, the purpose of the loan proceeds, and the useful life of the assets financed.