Your larger business needs a checking account that can keep up. Save with an earnings credit and low to no per-item transaction fees.
Key Features
Unlimited Transactions
Earnings Credit to Minimize Fees
Free Business Debit Card
Free Business Online Banking
- Ideal for businesses with large transaction volumes
- Receive a detailed analysis statement regarding account activity
- Unlimited monthly transactions available at low to no per-item fees:
- 250 free debit or credit items (items deposited, checks written, and electronic transactions) per statement cycle
- 25¢ per item thereafter
- $15 monthly service fee
- Receive an earnings credit to offset or minimize monthly fees incurred1
- Business online banking & bill pay available
- Additional business services available
- Free Mastercard® debit card with rewards
- Free mobile banking
- Free mobile pay
- Free telephone banking
- $1 minimum deposit to open
1Fees may be offset by an earnings credit to the account. Please contact your local deposit specialist for more details.